Nina Wants To Get Dressed
Written By: StoryWeaver
- Total Pages: 15
- Book Level: 3

Today is Nina's first day of school. But Nina can't put on her uniform by herself!She runs to her mother for help."Mom, will you help me put on my uniform?” Nina asks. “I will help you when I finish cooking, ” says Mom.Nina runs outside to find someone else who can help.“Dad, will you help me put on my uniform?” Nina asks. “I will help you when I finish feeding the ducks," says Dad.“Grandpa, will you help me put on my uniform?” Nina asks. “I am taking the cattle to the field. I’ll help you when I come back", says Grandpa.“Grandma, will you help me put on my uniform?” Nina asks. “I will help you once I finish sweeping leaves from the yard, ” says Grandma.“Brother! Will you help me put on my uniform?” Nina asks. “I'll help you when I finish drawing water from the well, ” he answers.No one can help me, she thinks to herself.Everyone is so busy!Nina decides to put on her uniform by herself. First, it is inside out. Then, the back is in the front!And then, Nina tries to put on her shoes.Nina looks in the mirror. Oh no! She dresses up all wrong!Her family looks at her. “I will help you, ” says Mom, Don't worry, we will also help you," say Dad and Brother.Now, Nina is finally ready for school. Have a great first day, Nina!