The ReadM Experience Book
Written By: Oren Farhi
- Total Pages: 9
- Book Level: 3

Imagine an engaging reading practice app that kids actually enjoy. You read out loud and get real time feedback. Images transform and animate for successful reading.You are rewarded with coins.As the reader, you receive a certificate for successfully completing a book.Readers personalize the experience with the purchase of avatars and icons that fly in the background.You can change a theme color as well.As educators and parents, we can review a report of all the reading activities of the reader. The report points out areas of difficulties a reader might experience.We can dive into a specific book report and review various metrics. The report displays any missed words with an analysis of the phonics that it includes.Each page displays the actual transcribed recording and its duration. We can see the total time spent in actual reading aloud.This is a writing platform. Kids can write and publish books.